Pure Raw Local Honey

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I have so much respect for the bees. The way that they all have a role - a divine purpose - and walk in that purpose constantly, amazes me. They know that their purpose is extremely important to the wellbeing and survival of their entire colony. Without each individual bee’s purpose being fulfilled, the systems within the colony wouldn’t work correctly, and soon, the colony would die. It just reminds me that we all have a purpose, and to walk in that divine purpose daily, without looking left or right to see what someone else is doing, because we know that what we’re doing, is divinely ordered. It opens my heart, and love overflows. I am grateful.

I became a beekeeping apprentice in March of 2022. The relationship I have with these particular bees that created this honey has changed my entire life. Greg, my mentor, is the keeper of these bees. He has taught me more than I could put on this page about beekeeping, honey production, propolis collecting, wax processing, honey bees, and all their wisdom. He works diligently, and endlessly, similar to the honeybees, to make sure the people of Charlotte, and surrounding areas, have the highest quality of pure, raw local honey available to them. He is passionate about educating the people on the healing properties of this honey, as well as the culinary uses of this honey. Greg has over 350 hives, in many different locations around Charlotte, Waxhaw, and Monroe, North Carolina. The honey made by these honeybees is the honey I use to make all of my medicinal syrups. This honey might differ slightly in flavor from bottle to bottle depending on what plants were in bloom and in abundance around the hives at the time of collecting.

Raw honey is an incredible food and medicine.  Honey is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.  It is wonderfully soothing for coughs and helps to boost the immune system.  Honey is a humectant which means that is encourages moisture retention, making it perfect for hydrating the skin.  Put right on the face, honey provides a wonderful soothing facial.  It can also be used on burns to soothe the skin and promote healing.  Raw honey is high is phytonutrients including antioxidants, friendly bacteria and propolis making it a superior food. Honey can provide relief to those suffering from seasonal allergies.  The small amounts of  pollen in honey provides a kind of homeopathic treatment for allergy suffers, but only if the honey is local to the person taking it.  

Honey should not be given to children under one year of age because it may contain spores that can be harmful to a young child's still developing digestive system.

Purchasing honey from conscientious bee keepers helps to support healthy bee populations.  Bees pollinate many of the foods we eat and we need them to be strong and healthy.  Being mindful of where our honey comes from gives us a chance to help protect our food.  Also pasteurized honey loses many of its healing properties due to the high heat that is used.  Raw honey is best!

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